Sunday, June 21, 2015

My Hobby Is Basically Everything That Has To Do With My Baby

Last week, one of my colleague asked what are my hobbies.

It was such a simple question but I felt embarrassed to admit that my hobby was really to spend my time with my son. It is not reading, not gardening, not cooking, not Facebook-ing, but to spend time with my little boy.

Specifically hugging him while he is playing with his toys, smelling his little back and his little head while doing his activities, annoying him, give him a foot massage, tickling him, piggy back him around the house, play ball with him, blow bubbles with him, making bubbles baths with him, changing his nappies, feeding him his meals, hugging him while he is asleep, staring at him while he is asleep, taking photos of him, brushing his teeth, dancing with him, making squeeky noise with him and so much more.

Come to think of it, those are plenty of hobbies to list down.

But it feels weird to admit these to colleagues whom are not parents. I some how feel afraid that it might give them the impression that I am a boring person, has no exciting and social life, such an over obsessive mother and bla bla bla.

Somehow it feels like there is this perception that once a person is a parent, all they think about is their kids.

I don't know how true is this for others, but for me it is quite true. But then, unless you are a parent, I think it is difficult to understand.

Becoming a mother really changed me. I believe most of it for the better, but some things are for worse. Haha.

But I wonder if other parents also feel embarrassed to admit that they enjoy spending most of their free time with their kids?

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