Monday, October 28, 2013

The Day It Happens - Giving Birth

The occasion of giving birth is very unique.

A predicted date is given.

Way before it happens, thinking of it makes you feel scared, anxious or you most probably had panic at one time.

When it is closer to the date, you start to accept the fact that you will go through it and start preparing for the day. You start to do all sorts of activities hoping to make the day easier which is quick and fast. You start to research through the internet. You would start to make your daily schedule packed by going swimming, brisk walking, pre-natal yoga etc.

When it is WAY closer to the date, like the date is approaching in a week or two, the level of anxiety is up as well as your excitement. Any muscle twitch would make you wonder if it is time.

Just a day before, you are quite amazed at the accuracy of the predicted date as it might really happen the next day. You haven't really slept well for the past few nights, always on stand by waiting to rush to the hospital.

On the predicted day. NOTHING HAPPENS.

The next day. NOTHING HAPPENS TOO. The waiting is killing everyone.

Finally, one of the days you feel a different feeling. Then you say 'I think this is it! This is it! Let's go to the hospital now! NOW!'

At the delivery room, both your partner and you continue to wait for your contraction to increase. It is quite exciting to know that in a few hours time, your life will be different. How often do you have that feeling. But waiting in the delivery room is quite boring as you don't have much to do. Then slowly the pain comes, increasing steadily..

You start to feel uncomfortable. Then very uncomfortable. Then very very uncomfortable. You need help now. You need drugs. Help. HELP.

Then comes the nurses offering you a selection of painkillers. From the mildest to the strongest. From the cheapest to the most costly. At first you declined to have any medication taken. You wanted to do it the primal way. But as the time past, the drugs are really tempting to help you through your journey.

Then it comes to the time to push. Push! (Actually I don't know what happens here. I had to go through an emergency C-section where I had an epidural and everything was numb and I didn't have to do much to get my little one out).

I remembered when little one was out, I heard him cry. It was a relief to hear him cry. The mid wife then took him to my face and made him give a peck on my cheek. I didn't get to see his face though because I was drowsy.

I was then ushered to the observation room for a while and then to my ward where I would be staying for the next few days. They then brought him to my ward where my husband, sister, brother and me had the chance to take a look at him. The feeling was kind of bitter sweet. Bitter because it was quite tiring. Sweet because finally he is here. For the rest of the night, it was a quiet night alone in my room.

I enjoyed my time at the hospital as I get to bond with my baby alone through breast feeding sessions. After he had his fresh delicious milk from me, he would fall asleep in my arms. I would then stare at him. It feel so surreal to know that he is real and he belongs to you (and of course my husband =D). From time to time, I still think of that moment =D

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