Thursday, October 31, 2013

How Breastfeeding Changed My Boobies

Since I have heard that breast milk is the best, I wanted to try to breastfeed my baby too and wondered what was the hype all about.

I had very little milk the first few weeks, so my baby was always crying because he was hungry. So I had supplemented his feed with some formula milk. But because he was drinking from the bottle as well as breastfeeding, soon he had this thing called nipple confusion. And then I decided to just pump and feed my milk using the bottle as I thought he would be using bottles in the end, so why not just start from now.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How Does Post Natal Depression Feels Like

After my baby was out, the first few days in the hospital was awesome. I enjoyed spending time with my baby & breastfeeding him.

Then it was time to bring my little one home.

In the Chinese tradition, I have to go through a 'Confinement' period where by it is a period when I will be taken cared by another person to heal my body. Usually a 'Confinement Lady' (CL) will be hired to cook for the new mother as well as take care of the newborn for a month. Why is it called the confinement period? Well I think it is mainly because new mothers are supposed to avoid their body from being in contact with any 'cold' situations for an example gush of wind, rain water etc. It is believed that these 'cold encounters' are able to affect the new mother's health later in life. They are supposed to keep warm during this period by eating 'warm' food such as ginger & rice wine and staying warm by avoiding cold areas or even refrain from using a fan!

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Day It Happens - Giving Birth

The occasion of giving birth is very unique.

A predicted date is given.

Way before it happens, thinking of it makes you feel scared, anxious or you most probably had panic at one time.

When it is closer to the date, you start to accept the fact that you will go through it and start preparing for the day. You start to do all sorts of activities hoping to make the day easier which is quick and fast. You start to research through the internet. You would start to make your daily schedule packed by going swimming, brisk walking, pre-natal yoga etc.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Young Mummy

At 24 years old I am a mummy!

To this current society, 24 is a young age to be a mom as many now only have their first child maybe say after 26 years old.

Being a young mom is quite interesting. People usually give you the stares or they don't know how to react to you. If you are being open minded and accept how it is, it is quite funny to look at people's reaction.

When I was pregnant, I always get the stares from strangers because I look younger than my age. So I look like a teenage mum. Honestly, it was very uncomfortable to experience these stares because these starers do not smile at you. They give this sort of ugly look stare like you did something wrong.