Sunday, July 26, 2015

Top 3 Free Apps For Baby & Toddlers 1, 2 & 3 years old - Fisher Price

I admit that I frequently allow my son to have some 'Technology Sessions' ever since he was one years old. However I do limit his time and I realized sometimes technology is not always bad for babies.

I used these few apps for my son and he actually managed to learn about animal sounds, the alphabets and rhymes through repetition (meaning the more he played or uses the app, the more he his able to grasp the concept or information which was being portrayed.

I love these Fisher Price apps are because most of it does not require internet/ WIFI, it uses limited space and they are advertisement free!

Here are my favourites:

1. Storybook Rhymes

Fisher Price has three Storybook Rhymes which are book like apps. Check them out here: Volume I, Volume II, Volume III. You can flip the pages and the pages are interactive. You can press on the illustrations and there will be music or movements which is great for your little one to learn about action and reactions. It is also a great way to introduce nursery rhymes to your kids.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Free of charge & low cost toddler activities!

Having a child can consume a lot of your money especially on educational toys.

During my free time, I would think of ways how to create toys from what I already have which my son would enjoy as much (or even more!) than the toys which I purchase form the local toy stores.

Here are a few of my 'homemade with love' games!

1. Cups and water.

If you have plenty of small containers good enough to scoop a hand full or a cup full of water, these are the items you will need. I have food containers with I had lost their lids, or disposable yoghurt cup containers which are ever so colourful (very attractive for those little kiddies), old party paper cups which you were not able to use but don't plan to use it anymore because you would rather get new ones and also spoons.